Univariate Graphs
In this part, will be analyzed the explanatory variables using univariate graph.
Below is the graph of H1TO31:
Based on the table above, it can be seen the mean average of adolescent who use marijuana are about 9 times during past 12 months and standard deviation are quite high about 51 times. Most of adolescent do not use marijuan. It can be seen from median and mode are equal to 0 time.
Below is the graph of H1TO35:
Based on the table above, the table shows that the mean average of adolescent who use cocain are about 0.5 time during past 12 months and standard deviation are about 12 times. Most of adolescent do not use cocain. It can be seen from median and mode are equal to 0 time.
Based on the table above, the table shows that the mean average of adolescent who use other drugs are about 2.4 times during past 12 months and standard deviation are about 27.4 times. Most of adolescent do not use cocain. It can be seen from median and mode are equal to 0 time
Bivariate Graphs
In this part, it will be analyzed the association between MGRP (Group of how many times adolescent used Marijuana), CGRP (Group of how many times adolescent used Cocain) and OGRP (Group of how many times adolescent used other drugs) and response variable H1SU1. Please refer to previous analysis to see the source code Adolescent Suicide Attempt Analysis in United States (Part 3).
Recall, the values are grouped based on following rule:
Group 0: Adolescent doesn't use drugs. (Note: in the previous analysis Adolescent Suicide Attempt Analysis in United States (Part 3), it is grouped into Group 9)
Group 1: Adolescent uses drugs between 1 and 5 times in last 12 months
Group 2: Adolescent uses drugs between 6 and 10 times in last 12 months
Group 3: Adolescent uses drugs between 11 and 20 times in last 12 months
Group 4: Adolescent uses drugs between 21 and 50 times in last 12 months
Group 5: Adolescent uses drugs between 51 and 900 times in last 12 months
Below is the graph of association between MGRP and H1SU1:
PROC GCHART; VBAR MGRP/discrete type=mean SUMVAR=H1SU1;
Based on graph above, it can be seen the association between how many times adolescent use marijuana and the thinking about suicide. The graph shows strong correlation between those variables. The more often Adolescent uses marijuana the more percentage of Adolescent thinks about suicide. It can be seen that group 0, adolescents who do not use marijuana, about 9% are thinking about suicide. Among group 1, about 19% are thinking about suicide. Among those using marijuana 6 to 10 times last 12 months, almost 24% are thinking about suicide. It is increasing, about 28% are thinking about suicide amoung those using marijuana 11 - 20 times. There is slightly decreasing adolescent who thinking suicide at group 4. However, adolescent at group 5 who use marijuana more than 50 times have the highest percentage, about 29%.
Below is the graph of association between CGRP and H1SU1
PROC GCHART; VBAR CGRP/discrete type=mean SUMVAR=H1SU1;
Based on graph above, it can be seen the pattern between how many times adolescent use cocain and the thinking about suicide. The graph shows strong correlation between those variables. The more often Adolescent uses cocain the more percentage of Adolescent thinks about suicide. It can be seen that group 0, adolescents who do not use cocain, about 12% are thinking about suicide. Among group 1, about 33% are thinking about suicide. Among those using cocain 6 to 10 times last 12 months, almost 38% are thinking about suicide. About 44% are thinking about suicide amoung those using cocain 11 - 20 times. There is slightly decreasing adolescent who thinking suicide at group 4, similar like previous graph. However, adolescent at group 5 who use cocain more than 50 times have the highest percentage, about 55%.
Below is the graph of association between OGRP and H1SU1
PROC GCHART; VBAR OGRP/discrete type=mean SUMVAR=H1SU1;
Based on graph above, it can be seen the pattern between how many times adolescent use other drugs and the thinking about suicide. The graph shows correlation between those variables. The more often Adolescent uses other drugs the more percentage of Adolescent thinks about suicide. It can be seen that group 0, adolescents who do not use cocain, about 11% are thinking about suicide. Among group 1, about 26% are thinking about suicide. Among those using cocain 6 to 10 times last 12 months, almost 38% are thinking about suicide. There is slightly decreasing percentage at group 3 and 4, about 34% ad 36%. However, adolescent at group 5 who use other drugs more than 50 times have the highest percentage, about 45%.
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